Year 1


Ms Brooks

Class Teacher

Jrp 220914 086 jr102618

Miss Jordan

Teaching Assistant

Jrp 230920 012 jr206761

Miss Mendes

Learning Support Assistant

Jrp 220914 031 jr102079

Mrs Mclellan

Learning Support Assistant

Welcome to Year 1,

This academic year is very exciting as we will be moving to concept based teaching which enables transferable knowledge and skills across National Curriculum subjects. Our first concept will be ‘Life’ and we will basing our learning around our central enquiry question ‘To what extent should we consider our impact on others?’.This concept will interweave with other subjects across the Key Stage One National Curriculum.

The Year 1 class staff are:

Teacher: Ms Brooks

Teaching Assistant: Miss Jordan

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Mclellan
Learning Support Assistant: Miss Mendes

We value parental partnership and the contributions made in developing the education of young people, we believe parents / carers play a very important part in their child’s education. Please read with your child at least 3 times each week and sign their reading record.  We recommend that children spend between ten and twenty minutes each day reading at home with an adult. If your child has difficulty completing the schools expectations of  reading, please talk to me for support and advice.

Lastly, P.E. kits are required on a Wednesday and Friday. For safety reasons, children will need earrings to be removed on these days. All items of clothing will need to be labelled. Please could I ask that you provide your child with a bottle of water that has their name clearly written on. The children will have access to their bottles during the day and these will be sent home daily to be washed and refilled.

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to come and talk to us. This can be done either by arranging an appointment after school or if necessary, an appointment can be made that day.

Dates to remember:
Wednesday & Friday – PE

Three times a week – Reading and practising ten, five and two times tables.