Year 4
Mrs Monk Class Teacher |
Miss McGinley Learning Support Assistant |
Welcome to Year 4,
We hope you had an enjoyable break and are excited and ready for a new year! The adults in Year 4 are Mrs Monk (Class Teacher) and Miss McGinley (Learning Support Assistant). We are both here to help and support so please come and speak to us.
The school day starts at 8:40 and finishes at 3:10. Please be on time arriving and collecting your child from school. If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please make sure you inform the school office promptly.
Children should wear uniform every day. Please make sure your child’s name is on all pieces of clothing, especially ties as these can get easily lost.
It is important for the children to stay hydrated, as our classroom can get very hot. Please make sure they have a named water bottle that is cleaned daily.
Year 4 have P.E on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Your child should come to school in their normal school uniform and bring their P.E kit with them. We will encourage the children to leave their kit at school on Tuesday, ready for P.E again on Wednesday. All clothes should be named to prevent anything being lost. A reminder that if your child has their ears pierced, then only stud earrings are to be worn and they should be removed on P.E days.
Our class concept is Development. We will be answering our enquiry question of “Does society guide development or does development guide society?” We will be learning about different aspects of development both present day and from the past. We are going to be thinking about what development means across the curriculum including self-development and development around the world.
Reading and homework
Please read with your child as much as possible at home, but at least 3 times per week. I love reading and hope that all of Year 4 will love reading too! Spellings are given out on a Friday to be returned the following Friday. Please encourage your child to practise as much as possible, if the sheet is filled in daily it should be a quick activity to complete. I have changed the spellings this year and tried to give more choice and different learning methods, please choose the ones that help you learn best.