Year 3 - 3R

Jrp 221004 001 jr200952

Miss Rhodes

Class Teacher

Jrp 230920 013 jr206776

Mrs Greenwood

Learning Support Assistant

Jrp 220914 040 jr102131

Mrs Sault

Teaching Assistant


Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see pupils' work and what we have been learning.

Welcome to Year 3R.  We will be supported by Mrs Greenwood and Mrs Sault.  We have started our new concept of ‘Success’ this term and will be working on our aims of:

  • To identify strengths and areas for development
  • To take responsibility for our own learning
  • To develop resilience

Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please ensure your child has the correct labelled clothing in school on these days.

The children are still expected to read every night.  This is so important as this helps their Reading, Writing and understanding of the world.  Spellings will be set on a Monday to be tested the following Monday.

I expect the children to be more independent now but would still appreciate your support in ensuring they have correct full uniform, bring the books they need to school each day and complete their reading and spellings each week. 

I look forward to working with you and your children.  If you have any questions, please see me at the beginning of the school day or after school on a Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you,

Miss Rhodes

Wroxham Barns Trip

March 2025

I arranged this trip to the farm so the children could learn about the different animals and get up close and personal to them.  They were surprised by the smells involved with getting up close and personal!

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World Book Day

March 2025

It was great to start the day with those of you who were able to, reading with your child.

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A Lost Thing

January 2025

We found this mysterious creature in our classroom and discussed where we thought it had come from, what it would eat and how we would care for it.  This led onto us reading 'The Lost Thing' by Shaun Tan and using this as a basis for writing.

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3D Shapes

December 2024

We used construction materials to make 3D shapes showing our understanding of the different shapes on their faces.

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Water Safety

December 2024

We had a visit from Albert the Chairman of the Caister and Great Yarmouth RNLI who taught us about how to stay safe around water, the role of the coastguards and what the different flags shown on beaches mean.

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Norwich Castle

October 2024

We visited Norwich Castle to use their artefacts to learn more about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Ages in Britain.  The children were extremely excited to meet the staff and take part in the different workshops.

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Stone Age Tools

October 2024

We examined replicas of Stone Age tools and considered what questions they made us think of.

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Maths in Context

September 2024

We have been using the context of a cinema to apply the skills we have learnt in Maths lessons this year, including weighing out pick and mix, measuring out drinks, working out ticket prices and show times.

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Skills needed for Success

September 2024

We discussed what each subject we study in school is and the skills needed to be successful in that subject.

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September 2024

We have been using drama to develop our understanding of the book 'The Magnificent Mosque' in Read, Write, Inc.

The gardeners were not happy with the children being naughty in the Mosque's garden.

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Success in Year 3

September 2024

We have been discussing what we need to do to be successful in Year 3.  The children decided on their own set of rules for us all to follow.

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