Year 2

Jrp 230920 003 jr206709

Mr Wilson

Class Teacher

Jrp 220914 088 jr102635

Mrs Catchpole

Teaching Assistant

Jrp 220914 043 jr102141

Miss Cox-Donovan

Learning Support Assistant

Welcome back Year 2!

We hope you have had a lovely break and are looking forward to this term as much as we are. In Year 2 we still have:

·         Mr Wilson (Class Teacher)

·         Mrs Catchpole (Teaching Assistant)

·         Mrs Donovan (Learning Support Assistant)

In Maths, we will be learning multiplication facts for the 2s, 5s and 10s. Your child should practise these regularly at home to gain fluency.

All children are expected to be lining up on the playground before the bell goes at 8:40, at which time the class will enter school and begin their day of learning. The school day finishes at 3:10 so please be on time to collect your children. It is vital that the children attend school every day. Missing just one day will mean that five lessons have been missed. If your child is too unwell to attend school, please ensure that the office is contacted before 9:00am.

Children must be in school uniform each day. Please make sure each item of clothing has their name in it to prevent it from getting lost. PE days are on Monday and Thursday - please ensure PE kits are brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Thursday. If your child has earrings, they must be taken out for PE lessons. If they cannot remove their own earrings, please take them out before school.

It is a school expectation that children read at home at least three times a week. It is so important that this happens as often as possible as it has such an impact on not only their reading skills but in other areas of learning too. If it is a longer book, your child can read a couple of pages each evening. We ask that an adult signs the reading record every time a child reads at home.

The children will continue to bring home spellings on a Monday. They will be tested on these on a Friday. It would be useful to the children if you could help to practise them by covering up the words so they can learn the spelling patterns of each word.

Our class concept is still Development. Our enquiry question is, 

“Does development have a positive or negative impact on society?”

We will be looking at development and how things have developed throughout society in each subject, with a close look at whether it has had a positive or negative impact on society.

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to come and talk to us. This can be done either by arranging an appointment after school or if necessary, an appointment can be made that day.

Mr Wilson


Titanic sketches

Reflecting on our recent visit to the Time & Tide museum, the children discussed how life would be different aboard a passenger ship today. They also used their sketching skills to create some very detailed art work of the Titanic.

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Time & Tide Museum trip

We visited the Time and Tide museum to experience what life would have been like aboard the Titanic. The children got to experience what first class dining would have been like and took part in activities such as ballroom dancing! However, they also saw how different life would have been for a working class passenger on the ship. 

They also took part in an activity where they had to translate messages using morse code. They discovered that this was the only way possible for the Titanic to reach out for help. Year 2 were all in agreement that this would be much easier now due to the development in technology!

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Development in Technology

So far in our concept this year, the children have made enquiries about key developments in society since the Georgian era. They have learnt about how there was very little technology in the 1800's and realised how different life would have been as a child in this era. The children toured the school to discover objects that would not have existed during the Georgian era. They photographed these objects using the iPads, something that they realised they wouldn't have been able to do in the Georgian era! We discovered that these developments in technology were due to many factors such as new materials being available, and more education with mathematicians such as Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage. 

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