Year 6
Mrs Eckles Class Teacher |
Miss Perry Class Teacher |
Miss Sault Teaching Assistant |
Miss Oczkowska Learning Support Assistant |
Your child will be taught by Mrs Eckles and Miss Perry, with support from Miss OB. You can speak to either Mrs Eckles or Miss Perry should you wish to discuss your child.
PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week, as in the Home/School Agreement.
Spring Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to Year Six! We are continuing our concept of ‘Hope’, around the central enquiry: What impact does hope have on society? This term, your children will be discovering and debating the use and distribution of world resources, the impact of lifestyle and scientific discoveries on people’s health and exploring and analysing the work of composer, Edward Elgar.
It is Young Voices term! The children will have the opportunity to go to London and perform at the o2 arena as part of a choir with thousands of other children. A letter with further information will follow shortly. There will be an additional performance for parents on 27th January at St. George’s Theatre.
PE days remain on Wednesday and Friday. We recommend the children bring in their PE kit on a Monday, and leave it at school until the Friday. Now the children are older, please ensure they are washing daily and applying anti-perspirant deodorant each morning.
Children should be reading at home a minimum of 5 times a week, and this should be recorded in their reading record and signed by an adult. We have seen a decrease of reading and reading records over the last term. Please ensure this is happening regularly, as it is vital to your child’s progress.
We expect children to wear full school uniform, which includes a tie. If your child has lost their tie, a new one can be purchased from the office. A reminder that all uniform, including PE kit, should be named. No jewellery, except for studded earrings which are to be removed or taped for PE, are to be worn.
We look forward to an exciting term ahead!
Mrs Eckles and Miss Perry